Thursday, February 24, 2011

KCCI Interview with Kevin Cooney

KCCI anchor Kevin Cooney

Today's interview went great! I showed up about a half an hour early just to be safe since I didn't know where KCCI was located. Kevin wasn't able to meet with me until 4 p.m. but hopefully the fact that I showed up early looked good.

Once Kevin was able to meet he found me in the waiting room hopefully not looking like a nervous/excited wreck. We exchanged names and walked to the news desk and told me to find a seat. He got hooked up to his microphone did test checks and sat in his chair behind the news desk to do some interludes before the 5 o'clock broadcast. Just watching him speak to the camera while reading the teleprompter was a great experience. Not to mention him cracking jokes in between taping with the cameramen.

After he finished with the interludes he showed me around a little on the way to the conference room where my interview was held. He told me to have a seat in the conference room for a little bit while he got himself organized. There I sat, soaking everything in at a huge round table. There's something about the constant buzzing of a newsroom that makes me sit on the edge of my seat and report news with them.
Once he was ready we got to know each other. His first question, "How do you pronounce your name?"  Not surprised, I told him, "yooht-skah", and that is what he wrote on his notepad.

Interns are expected to work 40 hours a week for 10 weeks of the summer. Late night/early morning calls may happen as well. He asked if it would be a problem for me. I said, "I come from a town with a population of less than fifty. I am completely devoted to being here." Can't get much more honest than that.

The main goal for all interns is for them to get time and stories on air. He said that only about 60% of interns actually get airtime with their stories. So that's my goal, to get airtime if I get this internship.

Overall, the interview went great. He gave me a packet of a week by week schedule of what is expected of the intern. The number one requirement: to know the names of everyone who works there. Which shouldn't be a problem for me!

He finished with a tour of the whole station. Where I saw the newsroom, news desk, the news set, and everyroom that does behind the scenes work. It was truly a great experience. If I don't get the internship then at least I can say I've been interviewed by KCCI. It was a great time and I learned a lot in an hour. I can't even imagine how much of a sponge I will become if I get the internship.

Applicants continue to be interviewed until the 11th but I am supposed to get word by St. Patrick's Day. So from now until then, wish me luck!

From WHO to KCCI

Today I have an interview with KCCI anchor Kevin Cooney.

I received an email from him earlier this week after sending KCCI my resume for a summer internship position. Apparently hundreds of students apply for the position because KCCI has a very good internship reputation. I was also told by a former KCCI intern that "only a handful get chosen for interviews." So there's another plus.

Right now I'm extremely nervous but more excited to get to KCCI's news station. I've received many tips and have been studying the news like none other. If this internship comes my way it will definitely be another step closer to becoming a great journalist.

Interview's at 4 p.m. today. Wish me luck. I'm off to prepare some more. Don't worry, I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Training Day with Alisa

Here's a WHO picture Alisa sent me.
Last night I went to WHO to learn how to post stories on their Community page for Indianola. It's extremely simple, especially having the knowledge of knowing how to use Blogger.

I introduced myself to news anchor Erin Kiernan again, and director Ron Peterson. I also formally introduced myself to reporter Jannay Towne calling myself "Indianola Tyler from the standoff". Good thing she remembered. That could have been slightly awkward. Ron also told me that he is really excited to have me there, so that's a plus.

Alisa showed me the ropes and emailed me some generic pictures to use if I run into difficulties getting a picture for my story. As far as how often I need to post, it's really up to me. It's nice that it's nothing stressful.

I'm excited to get things rolling. Now, to search for story ideas.