Friday, May 13, 2011

May term at WHOtv Channel 13

Sorry for not posting in months.....

Well, the KCCI summer internship is a no go. On the plus side, for May term I decided to "job shadow" (more like intern) at WHOtv. I've really learned a lot and this is end of the second week. The news director Rod Peterson said that I can have an internship next Fall during school. Which makes me all the more excited for next semester.

I've come to know the Channel 13 News team. They all have great sense of humors and really enjoy their jobs. One of my most memorable experiences was going on an investigative interview with anchor/reporter Sonya Heitshusen. She interviewed the owner of Apollo Counseling in Des Moines who wasn't paying her employees. Sonya really drilled her and made me realize if I were to do anything illegal to make sure to decline an interview with her.

Reporter Dan Winters a.k.a. the king of "I'm sorry, what's that?" He gave me a really good tip. When you're interviewing someone and you notice your interviewee gives a good soundbite but said it quietly, or noticed your photojournalist was getting a new shot, simply say "I'm sorry, what's that?" and your soundbite is saved. Simple as that.

Some people would assume that the anchors and reporters on TV would have stuck up personalities. That's not the case at all. They're all extremely down to earth and crack really good jokes. With gas being the price it is, I don't even mind at all that I'm driving over a half an hour from Indianola to Des Moines. I thoroughly enjoy being around broadcast journalists and can't wait for this coming Fall.

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