Thursday, January 20, 2011

Working out with Loretta

Last night while working out I met a woman named Loretta who works for Simpson College with the Evening, Weekend and Graduate program as the Assistant to the Director.  I also met her friend Shirley.

Nearing my cool down on the treadmill Loretta asked if she could have "some of my miles." After catching my breath I said, "I've been here way too long to to give them away."  Starting off our conversation on good terms with laughter.

We kept this conversation rolling by discussing Tuesday night's two hour Biggest Loser episode. Later I found out that she has had a bit of a weight problem herself. Telling me that she used to have a trainer that used to have to lift her legs for her to stretch and perform other exercises. Her trainer also made her run stairs but fell backwards a few times. Falling backwards on a flight of stairs would discourage anyone to exercise on them again, but her trainer told her to trust herself and that he'd be behind her to catch her.

Her trainer was an athletic training major who graduated two or more years ago. She's interested in finding another but says, "Who would want to workout an old woman like me?" I ensured her that someone would more than likely be interested on campus.

Once the timer on my treadmill reached zero and the belt stopped I shook her hand, exchanged names once again and told her it was nice to meet her. She is a very interesting person and I look forward to meeting her again.

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